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Suds Up! 4 Uses for Your One Soap

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At Nellie’s, we’re firm believers in keeping things simple. Why use three soaps when you could just use one? Nellie's One Soap is formulated without colour, SLS, SLES, and toxins, so it’s safe for just about any use you could think of! How to use the One Soap? Keep reading to find out!

The Dishes

Whenever you’re scrubbing your favourite pots and pans by hand, traditional dish soaps might get rid of the grease and grime, but take a toll on your hands, leaving dry, irritated skin. You don’t have to rely on harsh ingredients in soap to get the job done! Nellie’s One Soap is perfect for washing the dishes and won’t leave your hands stripped of moisture. Plus, with delicious scents like Melon, Peppermint, and Water Lilly, doing the dishes just got a little more enjoyable!

The Hands

Speaking of hands, Nellie’s One Soap is perfect for the kitchen and bathroom hand-soap. Whether you prefer a yummy scent or Fragrance Free, the One Soap gets rid of any germs and bacteria while keeping your hands soft and moisturized – ideal for frequent washing in rooms like the bathroom and kitchen!

The Dog

We all need a good wash, and Spot is no exception! Whether your pup loves or hates his baths, make sure you’re using a soap that is safe for his skin, like Nellie’s One Soap. No fillers, no toxins, just colour-free and hypoallergenic!

The Car

When you take the time to clean your car and make it sparkle, you need a product that’s tough on dirt and grime while gentle on your hands! The One Soap quickly whisks away dust and dirt and leaves no residue on your vehicle. Plus, it’s biodegradable, so you don’t have to worry about the water run-off into the garden. A happy car, and a happy environment!
Do you have a favourite use for your One Soap that we missed? Tell us in the comments!
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3 Steps to Easily Removing Pesky Clothing Stains

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Summer means light-coloured clothing, and light-coloured clothing often means stains! You don’t have to resort to harsh, toxic stain removers to lift the stains out, whether they're grass stains, spilled wine, or coffee. We’ve got the guide to easily removing tough spots on all fabrics, from your favourite jeans to light summer dresses.


Made with natural ingredients and free from dyes and synthetic fragrances, the WOW Stick uses the power of nature to lift stains out of all fabrics. The WOW Stick contains lemongrass and sweet orange essential oils, which work in combination with the cleansing ingredients to combat any odours caused by the offending stain.
To use, just wet the stained area of fabric, and then rub the WOW Stick onto the stained area. Agitate the stain under water, and repeat until the stain has begun to fade.


Nellie’s Oxygen Brightener uses the oxygen to penetrate stains, stripping away dirt, odour, and grime – perfect for getting out these pesky stains! The Oxygen Brightener’s chlorine-free formula is colour-safe, septic safe, hypoallergenic, environmentally-friendly and biodegradable, so you can forget about toxic ingredients! Use the Oxygen Brightener along with the Laundry Soda for the ultimate stain-fighting clean. All you need is a tablespoon for a small-sized load, or 3 tablespoons for a large load. Use 3 tablespoons for super-stained clothing.


Dry your clothes as you normally do – hang dry on the clothes line, or toss into the dryer with your favourite Lamby Wool Dryerballs! We love to use the Scented Wool Dryerball in Simply Fresh to give a subtle, beautiful scent.
No more stains, without using harsh chemicals. Your skin, your clothes, and the Earth will thank you!
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Powder is Better - for You and the Planet!

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All month long, we’ve talked about why powder is better than liquid. From being more eco-friendly to being hypoallergenic, it’s clear that powder is best! We’ve rounded up all the reasons we love powder detergent below!


For us, using powder is a no-brainer. The plant-based formula of our Laundry Soda is biodegradable, so it’s gentle on the earth while tackling tough stains. The Laundry Soda is created with renewable energy, thanks to its plant-based surfactant, because plants grow back! Traditional liquid detergents consist of mostly water – at Nellie’s, we don’t think moving water around the planet does anyone any good. Our Laundry Soda can be packaged more efficiently, minimizing impact on the environment.


Simply put, there is more cleaning power packed into powder! Nellie’s Laundry Soda is more concentrated than traditional detergents, so one tablespoon is all you need for every regular-sized load. It saves the planet and saves your dollars! Many conventional powder detergents use suds-producing fillers, like SLS and SLES, which give the impression of a ‘better clean’ because of their bubbles. However, they can hurt your HE machine! Nellie’s Laundry Soda is a low-sudsing detergent, making it better for you, the planet, and your HE washing machine.


Our Laundry Soda has no fillers and contains only four ingredients. The formula rinses clear every time, leaving no traces behind to irritate your skin – no perfumes, no phosphates, no optical brighteners, and no solid synthetics. You get a cleaner clean every time, with no unnecessary extras.
Want to learn more about why powder is better? Click here!
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Powder for You and the Planet

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We care for your skin and the planet – that’s why we create simple plant-based formulas that are healthy for you, your family, and Mother Earth. You don’t have to sacrifice your skin or the environment to get beautifully clean clothes. Why is powder detergent more eco-friendly? Keep reading!

Plant-Based and Biodegradable

Our Laundry Soda is made with a plant-based surfactant. Plants are an excellent source of renewable energy because we can replant them! Plus, all of Nellie’s products are biodegradable, so when it moves through the water system there are no lasting effects on the environment. The environment stays as spotless as your clothes!

Moving Water

Traditional liquid detergents consist mostly of water. It doesn’t make sense to us to ship water around the world! Powder packs more tightly than liquid-based detergents, meaning less space is used in shipping and transporting your favourite Laundry Soda.

Tougher than Liquid

Powder-based detergent formulas are more stable than liquids or detergent pods. This means that our simple formula performs exceptionally well on tough-to-remove outdoor stains like grass, dirt, mud, as well as blood. Pair the Laundry Soda with the Oxygen Brightener for brighter whites and more vibrant colours, without using bleach or any other nasties!
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Skin Problems? It Could Be from Your Laundry Detergent!

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Do you or your children suffer from skin issues like irritation or rashes? These problems are often caused by regular laundry detergent. Lots of common detergents use dyes, fragrance, softeners, and other fillers in their formulas. Both kids and adults can be sensitive to traditional laundry detergent’s icky chemicals, dyes, perfumes, and other additives, and can experience symptoms of contact dermatitis, or ‘laundry rash,’ with an itchy, hive-like rash.

What Causes Laundry Rash?

Laundry rash is caused when chemicals in laundry detergent stay behind after washing. This residue contains dyes, perfumes, surfactants, and other stuff that can cause allergic reactions. Symptoms can include an irritating, itchy rash that looks like hives, sneezing and itchy eyes, and an elevation in skin temperature, where skin may be hot to the touch and can even blister.
The top 3 offending ingredients are sodium lauryl sulfate, fragrances, and coconut diethanolamide. Sodium lauryl sulfate (or SLS) is a chemical that affects the skin’s oil layer, causing your skin to dry out. Plus, SLS's can cause eye irritation and poor eye development in children! Fragrances, which are totally unnecessary for cleaning clothing, often cause allergic reactions. Coconut diethanolamide works in a similar way to SLS, causing dryness and reactions for those with allergies.

Powder is Best for Sensitive Skin!

Nellie’s Laundry Soda has no fillers and consists of just 4 ingredients. It also rinses clear, leaving no residue behind in your clothes and fabrics – no perfumes, no optical brighteners, and no solid synthetics to irritate you. It also dissolves quickly in both hot and cold water, and is safe for HE and standard washing machines. No more double rinses, irritations, or rashes!
Want to know more about why powder is better than liquid? Click here!
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